
I Just Saw A Movie that Tells me I'm on the Right Track

old carI know this is a very long title... but it says it. Although I needed to be home working on the manuscript for my nearly finished book, Sixty, Sexy, Sassy and Free... I did, instead, go to the movies this afternoon. Given the timing, Revolutionary Road was about to start.

I knew it would be sad, heavy and uncomfortable to watch; afterall it's about the disintegration of a marriage. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are reunited from their Titanic movie of over 10 years ago. They are awesome. They've matured AND their chemistry is still amazing.

As I watched the unravelling of their relationship, I couldn't help but see myself and my own experience, not to mention that of many others. But, the thing that struck me the most was the underlying "cause" or theme beneath the obvious. Here it is: Here's a man who settles to work at a job he doesn't like so he can make it -- e.g. support his family, pay the bills, be responsible. Here's a woman, frustrated by the boredom of the suburbs AND frustrated by her inability to excel in a career she was interested in. At some point in the movie, they climb out of their doldrums, leo and katedevelop a plan to alter life as they know it and REINVENT themselves. They get excited, take all the steps to start over. Their love returns, they're happy. Then, of course, they reneg on the deal and go back to feeling unfulfilled, unhappy with each other. It's awful.

They aren't even baby boomers, so why am I writing this? It's easy. I am so keenly aware of how many people are living lives of quiet desperation ... settling, giving in, daydreaming, but taking no action. In the husband's case, he had no clue of what he really wanted to do with his life. I can't tell you how many people I know that fit that bill. They don't even allow themselves to consider WHAT would make them happy, where they'd like to devote their time and energy. They're just too immersed in doing whatever it is they do. And, here's the worst part. They don't see that their own misery bleeds over into the misery of those around them.

So .. I'm on the right track. I'm writing, speaking and coaching on Re-Energizing, Re-Purposing, Re-Inventing .... in business and in life. My goal is for all people to be engaged in purposeful work and to feel a sense of fulfillment. And there's no time like the present.

Ann Fry calls herself Head Boomer but she's also a professional speaker, trainer and corporate coach. You can read about her company at It's Boomer Time or check out her blog or have fun solving serious problems at Humor University.

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